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  Saturday, July 27, 2024 07:34:05 AM UTC +00:00

Note : Daylight Saving Time is denoted by [ D ]
at the end of the second line of the Running Time.

Time Zone Info for New Zealand

Total Timezone ID(s) : 2

  Timezone ID
Name And
Timezone Offset :
    City / Location : Current LOCAL Time
Timezone Info :
    1.   Pacific/Auckland

1. Auckland  *
2. Blenheim
3. Christchurch
4. Dunedin
5. Gisborne
6. Greymouth
7. Hamilton
8. Invercargill
9. Napier
10. Nelson
11. New Plymouth
12. Oban
13. Palmerston
14. Queenstown
15. Rotorua
16. Taupo
17. Tauranga
18. Te Awamutu
19. Wanganui
20. Wellington
21. Whangarei

Saturday, July 27, 2024

19:34:05 PM NZST +12:00

Standard Timezone Info : [ Current ]
New Zealand Standard Time ( NZST )
UTC + 12:00 :

DST Timezone Info :
New Zealand Daylight Time ( NZDT )
UTC + 13:00 :

DST Ended on Sunday, April 7, 2024 At 3:00:00 AM local daylight time

DST Starts on Sunday, September 29, 2024 At 2:00:00 AM local standard time

Daylight Saving Time for Auckland, New Zealand in other years.

Time Change / Clock Change Event for Auckland, New Zealand in other years.

    2.   Pacific/Chatham

1. Waitangi ( Chatham Islands ), Chatham Islands  *

Saturday, July 27, 2024

20:19:05 PM CHAST +12:45

Standard Timezone Info : [ Current ]
Chatham Island Standard Time ( CHAST )
UTC + 12:45 :

DST Timezone Info :
Chatham Island Daylight Time ( CHADT )
UTC + 13:45 :

DST Ended on Sunday, April 7, 2024 At 3:45:00 AM local daylight time

DST Starts on Sunday, September 29, 2024 At 2:45:00 AM local standard time

Daylight Saving Time for Waitangi ( Chatham Islands ), Chatham Islands, New Zealand in other years.

Time Change / Clock Change Event for Waitangi ( Chatham Islands ), Chatham Islands, New Zealand in other years.

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