Get Time Zone info of the World Countries :
Tuesday, February 11, 2025 |
12:37:49 PM |
+00:00 |
Note :
Daylight Saving Time is denoted by [ D ] at the end of the second line of the Running Time.
Time Zone Info for Austria
Total Timezone ID(s) : 1
Timezone ID Name And Timezone Offset : |
City / Location : |
Current LOCAL Time And Timezone Info : |
1. |
1. |
Amstetten, Lower Austria
2. |
Ansfelden, Upper Austria
3. |
Bad Ischl, Upper Austria
4. |
Bad Radkersburg, Styria
5. |
Bad Vöslau, Lower Austria
6. |
Baden, Lower Austria
7. |
Bischofshofen, Salzburg
8. |
Bludenz, Vorarlberg
9. |
Braunau am Inn, Upper Austria
10. |
Bregenz, Vorarlberg
11. |
Bruck an der Leitha, Lower Austria
12. |
Bruck an der Mur, Styria
13. |
Brunn am Gebirge, Lower Austria
14. |
Deutschlandsberg, Styria
15. |
Dornbirn, Vorarlberg
16. |
Eferding, Upper Austria
17. |
Eisenstadt, Burgenland
18. |
Enns, Upper Austria
19. |
Feldbach, Styria
20. |
Feldkirch, Vorarlberg
21. |
Feldkirchen In Kärnten, Carinthia
22. |
Freistadt, Upper Austria
23. |
Fürstenfeld, Styria
24. |
Gänserndorf, Lower Austria
25. |
Gerasdorf bei Wien, Lower Austria
26. |
Gmünd, Lower Austria
27. |
Gmunden, Upper Austria
28. |
Götzis, Vorarlberg
29. |
Graz, Styria
30. |
Grieskirchen, Upper Austria
31. |
Gröbming, Styria
32. |
Güssing, Burgenland
33. |
Hall in Tirol, Tyrol
34. |
Hallein, Salzburg
35. |
Hard, Vorarlberg
36. |
Hartberg, Styria
37. |
Hermagor-Pressegger See, Carinthia
38. |
Hohenems, Vorarlberg
39. |
Hollabrunn, Lower Austria
40. |
Horn, Lower Austria
41. |
Imst, Tyrol
42. |
Innsbruck, Tyrol
43. |
Jennersdorf, Burgenland
44. |
Judenburg, Styria
45. |
Kapfenberg, Styria
46. |
Kirchdorf an der Krems, Upper Austria
47. |
Kitzbühel, Tyrol
48. |
Klagenfurt, Carinthia
49. |
Klosterneuburg, Lower Austria
50. |
Knittelfeld, Styria
51. |
Korneuburg, Lower Austria
52. |
Krems, Lower Austria
53. |
Kufstein, Tyrol
54. |
Landeck, Tyrol
55. |
Leibnitz, Styria
56. |
Leoben, Styria
57. |
Leonding, Upper Austria
58. |
Lienz, Tyrol
59. |
Liezen, Styria
60. |
Lilienfeld, Lower Austria
61. |
Linz, Upper Austria
62. |
Lustenau, Vorarlberg
63. |
Marchtrenk, Upper Austria
64. |
Mattersburg, Burgenland
65. |
Melk, Lower Austria
66. |
Mistelbach, Lower Austria
67. |
Mödling, Lower Austria
68. |
Mürzzuschlag, Styria
69. |
Murau, Styria
70. |
Neunkirchen, Lower Austria
71. |
Neusiedl am See, Burgenland
72. |
Oberpullendorf, Burgenland
73. |
Oberwart, Burgenland
74. |
Perchtoldsdorf, Lower Austria
75. |
Perg, Upper Austria
76. |
Rankweil, Vorarlberg
77. |
Reutte, Tyrol
78. |
Ried im Innkreis, Upper Austria
79. |
Rohrbach, Upper Austria
80. |
Rust, Burgenland
81. |
Saalfelden am Steinernen Meer, Salzburg
82. |
Salzburg, Salzburg
83. |
Schärding, Upper Austria
84. |
Scheibbs, Lower Austria
85. |
Schwaz, Tyrol
86. |
Schwechat, Lower Austria
87. |
Spittal an der Drau, Carinthia
88. |
St. Andrä, Carinthia
89. |
St. Johann im Pongau, Salzburg
90. |
St. Pölten, Lower Austria
91. |
St. Veit an der Glan, Carinthia
92. |
Steyr, Upper Austria
93. |
Stockerau, Lower Austria
94. |
Tamsweg, Salzburg
95. |
Telfs, Tyrol
96. |
Ternitz, Lower Austria
97. |
Traiskirchen, Lower Austria
98. |
Traun, Upper Austria
99. |
Tulln an der Donau, Lower Austria
100. |
Vienna, Vienna *
101. |
Villach, Carinthia
102. |
Vöcklabruck, Upper Austria
103. |
Völkermarkt, Carinthia
104. |
Voitsberg, Styria
105. |
Waidhofen an der Thaya, Lower Austria
106. |
Waidhofen an der Ybbs, Lower Austria
107. |
Wals-Siezenheim, Salzburg
108. |
Weiz, Styria
109. |
Wels, Upper Austria
110. |
Wiener Neustadt, Lower Austria
111. |
Wörgl, Tyrol
112. |
Wolfsberg, Carinthia
113. |
Zell am See, Salzburg
114. |
Zwettl, Lower Austria
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
13:37:49 PM CET +01:00
Standard Timezone Info : [ Current ]
Central European Time ( CET )
UTC + 01:00 :
DST Timezone Info :
Central European Summer Time ( CEST )
UTC + 02:00 :