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Current Local Time of Farmington, New Mexico, USA :

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Farmington, New Mexico, USA Local Time :

Current Local Time of Farmington, New Mexico, USA :

Current Time :
Friday, July 26, 2024

18:59:39 PM MDT -06:00 [ D ]

 Note : Daylight Saving Time is denoted by [ D ]
at the end of the second line of the Running Time.
Timezone :
Timezone ID : America/Denver
Standard Timezone : Mountain Standard Time ( MST )
DST Timezone : Mountain Daylight Time ( MDT )
Current Timezone : Mountain Daylight Time ( MDT )
Country Timezone Info : Time Zone Info for USA
GMT / UTC Offset :
Standard UTC Offset : UTC - 07:00
DST UTC Offset : UTC - 06:00
Current UTC Offset : UTC - 06:00
Daylight Saving Time : +1 Hour
Time Difference :

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Daylight Saving Time :

DST Started on Sunday, March 10, 2024 At 2:00:00 AM local standard time
DST Ends on Sunday, November 3, 2024 At 2:00:00 AM local daylight time

Location :
Latitude :
36° 44'  North
    [   36.73° ]
Longitude :
108° 13'  West
    [ -108.22° ]
Map : Display Map of Farmington, New Mexico, USA :

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Sunrise Sunset Info :
Sunrise Time 06:14:27 AM *
Sunrise Azimuth 65.02° [ East-Northeast ]  
Sunset Time 20:23:48 PM *
Sunset Azimuth 294.79° [ West-Northwest ]  
Day Duration 14 Hr 09 Min 21 Sec  ( 1 Minute 35 Seconds shorter than yesterday )
SolarNoon Time 13:19:25 PM *
SolarNoon Elevation 72.45°
Astronomical Twilight Starts 04:31:33 AM *
Nautical Twilight Starts 05:10:00 AM *
Civil Twilight Starts 05:45:28 AM *
Civil Twilight Ends 20:52:45 PM *
Nautical Twilight Ends 21:28:09 PM *
Astronomical Twilight Ends 22:06:31 PM *
Note : Daylight Saving Time is denoted by *

Sunrise, Sunset Time of Farmington, New Mexico, USA for other Dates

Sunrise, Sunset Calendar for Farmington, New Mexico, USA for other dates

Twilight Time of Farmington, New Mexico, USA for other Dates

Moonrise Moonset Info :
Moonset Time : 12:13:22 PM *
Moonset Azimuth : 278.63° [ West ]  
Moonrise Time : 23:46:17 PM *
Moonrise Azimuth : 77.54° [ East-Northeast ]  
Lunation Number : 1256
Lunar Illumination :
-62.19 %   ( at 18 : 59 : 39 PM )
Lunar Age :
20 days, 23 hours, 46 minutes
Lunar Tithi ( Day Name ) : Today :
   6 [ Shashti ]
   Krishna Paksha ( Dark Lunar Fortnight )

Yesterday :
   5 [ Panchami ]
   Krishna Paksha ( Dark Lunar Fortnight )

Tomorrow :
   7 [ Saptami ]
   Krishna Paksha ( Dark Lunar Fortnight )
Previous Lunar Phase :
Full Moon On Sunday, July-21-2024 At 04:19:50 AM MDT *
Current Lunar Phase :
WaningGibbous Moon On Wednesday, July-24-2024 At 15:58:38 PM MDT *
Next Lunar Phase :
LastQuarter Moon On Saturday, July-27-2024 At 20:54:03 PM MDT *
Note : Daylight Saving Time is denoted by *

Sun, Moon Position :
Sun Longitude :
123.9422934336 °  ( at Sunrise )
Moon Longitude :
12.7836945526 °  ( at Sunrise )
Holiday :
USA Holiday List for July - 2024 :
  Date : Weekday : Holiday Name : Holiday Type :
1. July 4, 2024 Thursday USA Independence Day Government Holiday

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