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Current Local Time of Hof / Saale, Bavaria, Germany :

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Hof / Saale, Bavaria, Germany Local Time :

Current Local Time of Hof / Saale, Bavaria, Germany :

Current Time :
Saturday, July 27, 2024

01:56:35 AM CEST +02:00 [ D ]

 Note : Daylight Saving Time is denoted by [ D ]
at the end of the second line of the Running Time.
Timezone :
Timezone ID : Europe/Berlin
Standard Timezone : Central European Time ( CET )
DST Timezone : Central European Summer Time ( CEST )
Current Timezone : Central European Summer Time ( CEST )
Country Timezone Info : Time Zone Info for Germany
GMT / UTC Offset :
Standard UTC Offset : UTC + 01:00
DST UTC Offset : UTC + 02:00
Current UTC Offset : UTC + 02:00
Daylight Saving Time : +1 Hour
Time Difference :

Time Difference between Hof / Saale, Bavaria, Germany to another Location :
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Daylight Saving Time :

DST Started on Sunday, March 31, 2024 At 2:00:00 AM local standard time
DST Ends on Sunday, October 27, 2024 At 3:00:00 AM local daylight time

Location :
Latitude :
50° 19'  North
    [   50.32° ]
Longitude :
11° 55'  East
    [   11.92° ]
Map : Display Map of Hof / Saale, Bavaria, Germany :

Calculate Distance from Hof / Saale, Bavaria, Germany to another Location.

Sunrise Sunset Info :
Sunrise Time 05:34:14 AM *
Sunrise Azimuth 58.01° [ East-Northeast ]  
Sunset Time 21:02:38 PM *
Sunset Azimuth 301.73° [ West-Northwest ]  
Day Duration 15 Hr 28 Min 24 Sec  ( 2 Minute 46 Seconds shorter than yesterday )
SolarNoon Time 13:18:53 PM *
SolarNoon Elevation 58.72°
Astronomical Twilight Starts 02:45:59 AM *
Nautical Twilight Starts 04:00:35 AM *
Civil Twilight Starts 04:54:15 AM *
Civil Twilight Ends 21:42:30 PM *
Nautical Twilight Ends 22:35:56 PM *
Astronomical Twilight Ends 23:49:42 PM *
Note : Daylight Saving Time is denoted by *

Sunrise, Sunset Time of Hof / Saale, Bavaria, Germany for other Dates

Sunrise, Sunset Calendar for Hof / Saale, Bavaria, Germany for other dates

Twilight Time of Hof / Saale, Bavaria, Germany for other Dates

Moonrise Moonset Info :
Moonset Time : 13:22:46 PM *
Moonset Azimuth : 288.14° [ West-Northwest ]  
Moonrise Time : 23:37:15 PM *
Moonrise Azimuth : 67.65° [ East-Northeast ]  
Lunation Number : 1256
Lunar Illumination :
-62.68 %   ( at 01 : 56 : 35 AM )
Lunar Age :
20 days, 22 hours, 37 minutes
Lunar Tithi ( Day Name ) : Today :
   7 [ Saptami ]
   Krishna Paksha ( Dark Lunar Fortnight )

Yesterday :
   6 [ Shashti ]
   Krishna Paksha ( Dark Lunar Fortnight )

Tomorrow :
   8 [ Ashtami ]
   Krishna Paksha ( Dark Lunar Fortnight )
Previous Lunar Phase :
Full Moon On Sunday, July-21-2024 At 12:19:50 PM CEST *
Current Lunar Phase :
WaningGibbous Moon On Wednesday, July-24-2024 At 23:58:38 PM CEST *
Next Lunar Phase :
LastQuarter Moon On Sunday, July-28-2024 At 04:54:03 AM CEST *
Note : Daylight Saving Time is denoted by *

Sun, Moon Position :
Sun Longitude :
124.5526082938 °  ( at Sunrise )
Moon Longitude :
21.8732799414 °  ( at Sunrise )

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