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   Daylight Saving Times :   >>   Europe   >>   Russia [ Europe ]
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Clock Change Info


Izhevsk, Russia [ Europe ] :

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Izhevsk, Russia [ Europe ]

Clock Change Info

Clock Change Info for Other Years :

Clock Change Info


Izhevsk, Russia [ Europe ]

Line 1 indicates the Time and Timezone Event one second before the change
Line 2 indicates the Time and Timezone Event when the Time Change Event occurs

Year Local Date Local Time DST UTC Offset Time Zone Event
2020 No Time Changes in 2020   UTC + 04:00 SAMT  
2021 No Time Changes in 2021   UTC + 04:00 SAMT  
2022 No Time Changes in 2022   UTC + 04:00 SAMT  
2023 No Time Changes in 2023   UTC + 04:00 SAMT  
2024 No Time Changes in 2024   UTC + 04:00 SAMT  
2025 No Time Changes in 2025   UTC + 04:00 SAMT  
2026 No Time Changes in 2026   UTC + 04:00 SAMT  
2027 No Time Changes in 2027   UTC + 04:00 SAMT  
2028 No Time Changes in 2028   UTC + 04:00 SAMT  
2029 No Time Changes in 2029   UTC + 04:00 SAMT  
Year Local Date Local Time DST UTC Offset Time Zone Event

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